Misyon 1: Düşünce ve sanat çevrelerinin zenginleşmesine, kültür alanında profesyonel işbirliğine ve karşılıklı ilişkilere katkı sağlamak.
Mission 1: To contribute to the enrichment of the intellectual and artistic circles, the professional collaborations in the cultural field and the public interactions.
Mission 1: To contribute to the enrichment of the intellectual and artistic circles, the professional collaborations in the cultural field and the public interactions.
Misyon 2: Düşünsel ve yaratıcı sürecin gereksinim duyduğu bilgi üretimi ve paylaşımına destek olmak, kaynak sağlamak ve bu sürecin önünü açmak.
Mission 2: To provide support, resources and inspiration for intellectual and artistic process, production and the sharing of knowledge.
Mission 2: To provide support, resources and inspiration for intellectual and artistic process, production and the sharing of knowledge.
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